
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


Areas of Interest

human capital
The development of territories and the well-being of citizens
The real and responsible economy
The technological revolution

Our objective

Strengthen the knowledge and behavior of individuals to integrate sustainable development into daily life

Develop guides and materials for integrating the concept of sustainable development into the education system;
Organize technical training and workshops to train managers capable of transmitting knowledge relating to sustainable development;
Initiate certification and accreditation programs in various issues related to sustainable development;
Development of partnerships and collaborations with universities and public and private educational institutions; and
Organize events and raise awareness on specific themes related to sustainable development issues.

Advocate for sustainable spatial planning and a better life for citizens

Create a network/platform of associations active in rural development projects for collaboration and exchange of experiences;
Organize health awareness actions and campaigns;
Launch an award to recognize and highlight efforts made for sustainable territorial development; and
Develop a report (Periodical) that addresses developments and challenges associated with urban and rural planning within the framework of sustainable development.

Promote responsible economic activity

Promoting good governance as a necessary pillar for sustainable development;
Encourage social entrepreneurship for young people and students;
Organize entrepreneurship competitions for young people with sustainable projects;
Raise awareness on the importance of social and environmental dimensions in economic activity; and
Develop partnerships to guide companies to integrate sustainability into their economic activities.

Encourage innovation and adoption of technologies to foster sustainable development

Develop practical cases to raise awareness on the use of technologies to promote sustainable development in different fields; and
Develop technological capacity building programs